Chapter 10: Summertime

Teacher's Guide Chapter Author: Suzanne Hennigan, 5th grade teacher, Schorr ES, Clark County School District

Chapter Overview: Summertime in the Big woods was a time for visiting. Laura and Mary would visit Mrs. Peterson who alway gave them cookies and the Ingalls always had people visiting them as well. On one particular day their Aunt Lotty was coming to visit and the girls wanted to see whose hair she liked best. Aunt Lotty said that she liked both. Laura was always a little jealous of Mary because she felt that mary was perfect and she was not. On this particular day the girls were picking up chips for the fire and Mary told Laura that Aunt Lotty liked her hair better. Laura smacked Mary right across the face, pa was not happy and Laura got whipped. As the summer wore on the Ingalls were very busy. pa worked in the fields all day and ma and the girls weeded the garden and fed the animals. Another thing that they did was make cheese. One afternoon pa was on his way to Uncle Henry's when he discovered a bee tree. He chopped the tree down and cleared it of the honey. The family would have honey for the whole winter.

Chapter Themes: Family and community, Summertime, Jealousy, making cheese, Bees and honey

Chapter Activities

  • Language Arts

    Journal Entries
      • Write a journal entry from the point of view of one of the characters in the chapter.
      • Reading Comp/writng Composition
        • (5)2.1 It is expected that students will select and apply pre-reading, during, and post-reading strategies to enhance comprehension.
        • (5)5.1 It is expected that students will participate in daily writing activites (e.g., journals, learnignlogs, reports).
    • Describe your experience
      • Laura gets upset with Mary and slaps her across the face. Think of a time when you were upset with a brother/sister or even a friend. Describe who you were mad at, what happened, and how did you resolve it.
      • Writing Process/
        • (5)6.5 It is expected that the students willwrite paragraphs and compositions with main ideas that are supported by relevent details and state a conclusion.
        • (5)5.4 It is expected that students will write a narrative or story tha develops a plot or sequence and uses "showing" rather than "telling" details to describe the setting, characters, and events of the story.
  • Mathematics
    • Cookies
      • When Laura and Mary visit their neighbor, Mrs. Peterson, she gives them each a cookie. If a recipe for cookies feeds 12 students, figure out how much of each ingredient you would need to feed your class. Each student will receive only 1 cookie and there are 30 students in the class. The students need to adjust the cookie recipe for the class. They will work together in small groups. We will then make the cookies.
      • Numbers, Number Sense, and Computation
        • (5)1.7 It is expected that students will add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators using models, drawings, and numbers.
        • (5)1.8 It is expected that students will identify, model, and compare improper fractions and mixed numbers.
    • Where will you Bee
      • Bees fly about 15 mph figure out how long it would take them to get from the little house in the Big Woods to Las Vegas. Work in small groups.
      • Numbers, Number Sense, and Computation/Mathematical Communication
        • (5)1.23 It is expected that students will describe and use algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
        • (5)B.1 It is expected that students will discuss and exchange ideas about mathematics as a part of learning.
  • Social Studies
    • The History of Cookies
      • Students will research the history of cookies. They will make timelines of the history. The students will then take world maps and label the country and the their own word for "cookie". We will then create a cookie recipe book of cookies from around the world.
      • History
        • (5)4.2 It is expected that students will record and interpret events on a graphic organizers, such as a calendar or a timeline.
        • (5)3.13 It is expected that students will identify and describe the locations of selected historical events.
        • (5)3.41 It is expected that students will create complex maps, globes, tables, or charts to display geographic sources.
  • Author Study

    Students will work in small groups to research the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder using a variety of resources. Students will present their information by using a power point presentation, podcast, or an interview with the author. Students will also create a graffiti wall that will display a variety of information about the author. Items that should be included: timelines, family tree, books written by the author, quotes, and any other information that will represent her life.
    • History/Geography
  • (5)3.13 Identify and describe locations of selected historical events.
    (5)4.2 Record and interpret events on a graphic organizer, such as a calendar or timeline.
    (5)4.4 Organize historical information from a variety of sources.

  • Science
    • Honey Bees
      • Research the 3 types of Honey Bees. Diagram the parts of a bee. Compare and contrast.
      • Life Science
        • (5)1.5 It is expected that students will create and use labeled illustrations, graphs, and charts to convey ideas, record observations and make predictions.

    • How do Honey Bees make honey
      • Students will research how bees make honey.
      • Physical Science
        • (5)2.3 It is expected that students will investigate and describe that by combing two or more materials, the propeerties of the resulting material can be different from the original material

Historical Overview of Chapter Themes
Family and community were very important. In chapter 10 ma makes cheese and they need a young calf for the rennet (the lining of a young calf's stomach). Pa couldn't kill his because they were heifer's and they would grow into cows. So he goes to Uncle Henry's and they kill one of his calves and share the stomach lining.
According to history, a traveling Arabic merchant had brought some milk along for his journeys. The pouch in which he placed the milk was lined by that of the stomach of a sheep. As he traveled, the heat from the sun activated the enzyme, rennin, found in the stomach lining. This made the milk turn into its liquid whey and solid curd or cheese components. And thus cheese was revealed. Cheese migrated to America by way of the Mayflower and became a staple in the US. The process has had many developments throughout history. Nowadays, instead of using the enzyme, rennin, a synthetic chymotrypsin derivative is sometimes used, along with extracts from molds and plants. The plethora of flavors is due to the manipulation of a variety of factors including:
1. The kind of milk used = cow, sheep, goat, buffalo, reindeer, camel, yak, etc.
2. The curding, cutting, cooking, and forming methods.
3. The type of bacteria or mold used in ripening.
4. The amount of salt/other seasonings added.
5. The ripening and curing conditions = temperature, humidity, time, etc.

Additional Resources


Coolibah1 said...

You had some very original ideas! I was very impressed with your creativity. I especially liked "Where Will You Bee?" and "The History of Cookies." The Bee activity could be both math and science. I didn't know how fast a bee can fly. I'm sure my students would also find it interesting. I also thought my students would love making cookies and researching the history of their favorite cookies. It's a nice activity for even your students performing below grade level. For your math activity in which students have to alter a recipe to feed more people, I like that you are going to make the cookies at the end of the lesson. As a suggestion, I would bring in the ingredients in a cookie such as chocolate chips or nuts during the lesson and use them as manipulatives to help students who are kinesthetic learners.

Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D. said...

All students will have a story for the "Describe Your Experience" activity. Perhaps you could encourage they add a section to their composition where they suggest ways they could have handled the situation better if it did not go well the first time. This might be a good lesson to team-teach with your school's counselor. Counselors are so good at helping students learn appropriate ways to deal with anger, and it would certainly be nice to have a counselor on hand if abuse issues appear during classroom discussion.

Invite me when you make cookies - I love cookies! :-) I love the idea of making the social studies cookie activity global (in alignment with 21st century skills). Perhaps you could work with parents on this and have a cookie exchange evening when students celebrate reading with cookies from around the world or they eat cookies during a "Class Art Festival" (where they display their creations).